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Elizabeth Evans is one of the “Elizabeths” that make up Simple Simon and Company, a website dedicated to sewing, quilting, crafting and the art of homemaking. Elizabeth started sewing as a teenager, but it wasn’t until the birth of her children that she fell in love with pattern-drafting, designing, and sewing children’s clothing. She has a passion for all things do-it-yourself, and can’t make it through the day without binding a quilt, sewing a seam, drafting a pattern, revitalizing old furniture, or writing blog tutorials.

Elizabeth is a mom to three amazing children who inspire her every day, but as a young stay at home mom, she yearned for something that would stay “done” every day. Dishes were constantly getting dirty, laundry needed to be re-done day after day…but she found that she could sew a skirt or a baby bib and it was so rewarding. Now, she often advises moms to creatively “do something every day that can’t be undone.”

As part of Simple Simon and Company, Elizabeth enjoys creating simple sewing and quilting tutorials and views sewing as something that is do-able for all. She truly believes the motto that “anyone can sew” and tries to write tutorials and patterns with beginners in mind.


Elizabeth Evans never planned on sewing, or doing anything remotely domestic, even though she was raised by women who were crafty homemakers. After graduating from a university with her degree in art she began her teaching career. Plans soon changed however, when her first son Simon was born. When Simon arrived, Elizabeth found herself more drawn to staying at home with her new found love. By the time Simon was two Elizabeth had changed careers and had become a full time homemaker (a move that surprised everyone, including herself).

It was during this time that Elizabeth's mom convinced her to take a quilting class, a course that would change Elizabeth's future. While in the class, Elizabeth fell in love with the fabrics and found the very real connection between the fiber arts and the fine arts which she so much enjoyed. From then on Elizabeth was hooked. Elizabeth started with quilt blocks but quickly moved into garment sewing with the birth of her next two children (both girls). She found sewing dresses and garments for these little ladies to be an absolute joy.

Five years ago Elizabeth and her sister in law (also is named Elizabeth Evans) tried an experiment to see if they could sew and blog about a new project every day for 30 days. In the beginning they weren't sure they would have enough ideas to fill 30 days but it sounded like a fun spring project. But, at the end of the 30 days they surprisingly had more project ideas than they started with! At this point, they had no intention of stopping the experiment and so Simple Simon and Company was born. It is now a community where they share tips, tricks, and tutorials about sewing, quilting, and the art of homemaking on a daily basis with other like minded ladies.

Looking back Elizabeth laughs at her previous self. It's been almost a decade that she has been sewing, quilting, and embracing all things connected to the art of homemaking, and she has loved every second of it. Elizabeth is head over heels in love with her family and this new path she has taken with sewing, quilting, and designing fabrics and patterns. She eagerly looks forward to where this path is going to take her and is grateful everyday for where she is in her life....which is so far away from where she intended to be!